IFRDMD officers become the resource persons in some webinars
IFRDMD Officers, Dr. Safran Makmur, Ms. Diana Luspa, and Dr. Dina Muthmainnah were invited as the resource persons in some webinars in July 2020. The webinars were held during the Covid-19 pandemic as government policy that some people work in shift from home or office. By attending the webinars, everybody can still increase their knowledge, although it was only by online meeting application.
Dr. Safran explained about Inland Fisheries Management: a case study in Indonesian Lake in the webinar that was organized by STIS Mambaul Falah and 45 University, Mataram. He showed many kinds of fish species inhabit in the lake in Indonesia, that some of them are endemic species. In another time, Ms. Diana Luspa was invited by the Marine Science Department of Math and Science Faculty, Sriwijaya University, to deliver some tips to be successful to get the overseas scholarship and works armed with good English ability. As an English trainer, she also reminded the participants of the importance of public speaking capability.![]()

Fisheries Faculty of PGRI University, Palembang arranged the webinar about local fish commodity from South Sumatra that has an export potency. Dr. Dina was invited to express her opinion on what type of fish species that can be appointed as ornamental fish and consumption fish. Of course, the more fish can be exported, the higher foreign exchange will come into the South Sumatra Province. But she brought to mind always to keep the balance between ecological and economic function of fish resources.
All the webinars ran smoothly, and the participants were also involved in the interactive discussion. (#MAL)