Anguillid Eel Field Survey in Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia

On 14-17 November 2023, SEAFDEC/IFRDMD team conducted the  monthly field survey in Cimandiri and Cikaso Rivers Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java.  The activity entitled Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening Management Measures for Anguillid Eel Resources is part of one of the projects budgeted by the JAIF for the Eel Project.

The survey team was accompanied by local people and fishers to check the water quality at the eel fishing location, both in the Cimandiri River and the Cikaso River. Based on the data collected in November, the results of eel fishing in both rivers in increased compared to the previous month, although the number was not too high. There were several factors that affected the results of the catch; one of these factors was the season.

The team also discussed about the glass eel catch and the eel rearing activities with the fishers but were still lack knowledge about them.  Especially, when the glass eel catch is high but the quota of glass eel demand by the distribution company is small, it still leaves a lot of catches. Previously, if this happened, fishers could only process the glass eel that have been caught as food, such as fish crackers.

However, with the development of fisheries science and the ease of information obtained today, fishers are increasingly enthusiastic about utilizing their excess catch for sustainable fisheries.

Currently, the fishers have started to design a place that can be used as the glass eel rearing center. So that if the glass eel catch exceeds the demand quota from the company, they can use the rest for eel rearing activities, from glass eel stadia to elver or even yellow eel.

This activity has good prospects for development. And there needs to be assistance from related parties such as fisheries agencies and local fisheries extension officers to provide teaching or training and guidance on how to cultivate fish properly and correctly, especially for the eel rearing stage. Hence, later this activity can be a sustainable activity that helps the fishers’ income in the future and can be a source of sustainable fisheries in the region.

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