Features of Inland Fisheries in Lao PDR

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Lao PDR presented by Mr. Aroef Hukmanan Rais https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138317669711453/1138317043044849/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Vietnam

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Vietnam presented by Ms. Sevi Sawestri https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138201056389781/1138200473056506/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Philippines

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Philippines presented by Ms. Sevi Sawestri https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138261929717027/1138261293050424/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Cambodia

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Cambodia presented by Dr. Safran Makmur https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138205489722671/1138204589722761/

5-year Achievement of IFRDMD

Since the inauguration of SEAFDEC/IFRDMD on 2 September 2014, now, IFRDMD reaches 5- year working on inland fisheries study. On 8-10 October 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia, IFRDMD held the Workshop on 5-year of IFRDMD's Achievement. The…