Chief of  IFRDMD Attends The Coordination Meeting for Anguilid Eel Conservation

Eels are the main concern of the Indonesian government after Indonesian eels were listed in IUCN redlist, including A. borneensis, A. bicolor, A. intertioris, A. marmorata. Eel fisheries provide tangible economic benefits for fishermen and eel industry companies. To avoid eels being listed in the Cites list, Indonesia must have a sustainable management plan related to the eels utilization in Indonesia.

In order to conserve eel (Anguilla spp.) in Indonesia, Directorate General of Marine Space Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia held a coordination meeting on Tuesday, July 25, 2018 in Cakalang Meeting Room, Mina Bahari III Building, 1st floor.  This meeting was attended by agencies related to eel management. SEAFDEC / IFRDMD was invited to the event and was represented by Chief, Dr. Arif Wibowo. The  aims are  to share data and information on population and distribution of eels in Indonesia, discuss about eel management policies, supply chain trade and utilization of eel fish. This meeting is also the initiation of the implementation of the national eel symposium which will be held by the Directorate General of Marine Space Management.

The efforts to manage eels in the future are directed to action plans that will be carried out including collecting data and information in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, protection status (determining size settings), determining the location of conservation of eel species and habitat changes (fish passage design that corresponds to eels).

SEAFDEC / IFRDMD will be involved and contribute to action plans for data and information collection in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, protection status (determination of size arrangements), determination of conservation location for eel species and habitat changes (fish passage design that corresponds to eels). SEAFDEC / IFRDMD activities will be integrated with a national campaign for the conservation of eel in Indonesia to produce an Indonesian eel management plan.

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